Fall 2012

Fall 2012
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[learning to live a perfectly imperfect life]

Nerdy Lists & Finding Comfort

We are alive and well.  My absence from the Blog World definitely hasn't been from lack of blog ideas -- in fact, I have a little notebook beside my bed that's full of things to blog about, and the list keeps getting longer.  (Is that nerdy that I have a "Things To Blog About" list?  If it is, then call me a nerd, because I have a list.  And if you know me at all, you are not even slightly surprised.)  

We've been spending time with family.  My sister, her husband and 2 girls came from Kansas to visit -- we celebrated Rylee's 6th birthday and my neice's 1st birthday. My mom, dad and aunt came for a few days as well. Lots of pics from that fun visit to come soon!

We've been hanging Christmas lights. And yes, I know many people are very bothered by others who turn on lights before Thanksgiving -- don't worry.  Ours aren't turned on yet.  Not so much because we think we need to wait until after Thanksgiving, but because our timer randomly turns the lights off whenever it feels like it... often just before dark when you would actually be able to see the lights.

We've been vacuuming.  Remember in this post when I talked about our worthless vacuum? After much consideration about waiting until Christmas to get a new vacuum, I realized that neither Jeremy nor I wanted to waste one of our Christmas gift wishes on a vacuum.  (And even if I did, I would not admit it, because that would be lame and nerdy.  And I've already admitted to 'nerdy' with my list about blog ideas.)  Santa has a difficult enough time getting his belly down the chimney, much less his belly and a vacuum.  So, we bought a new vacuum for ourselves and now are pretty much obsessed with the household task.  It's a Dyson.  And it rocks.  

We've been teaching about manners.  

Carter: "Why-wee... get book peas?"  (Translations: "Why-wee" = Rylee and "peas" = please)

Rylee: (Rylee gets book Carter is requesting and gives it to him.)

Carter: "Yank you." (Translation: "Yank" = Thank)

Rylee: silence

Carter: "Why-wee... say welcome."

(In all fairness, Carter gave the girl less than 2 seconds to reply with "You're welcome.")

Rylee: "Welcome."

Carter: "Yank you...... hey Mom!  Why-wee said 'Welcome'!"


Something that's been on my nerdy  "Blog" list for quite some time is "Comfort Capes."  And my reason for needing to blog about this now?  Well, you will just have to read on!

This summer we were asked to be a part of a special project.  "Comfort Capes" were created by a Mom -- a Mom with an imaginative little girl who became sick and needed to spend a few days in the hospital.  And the way a simple super-hero cape worn by one little girl at the hospital during treatment has turned into many sick children, finding comfort in their "Comfort Capes" is amazing. The story is best told by Amy, the creator of "Comfort Capes" here.

Rylee and Carter were asked to be a part of a "Comfort Cape" photo shoot at Sanford Children's Hospital.  Here are a few of the fun photos, courtesy of Sanford.  (Rylee is in a teal shirt with a teal/yellow cape, and Carter is in a red shirt with a navy cape.)

(And yes, that is our amazingly gorgeous new castle-like Children's Hospital.)  

Some of these photos can be seen on the "Wonder Capes" website homepage, or here on this page.

After chasing the kids around during the photo shoot in the summer heat, (you know, to keep them in the camera frame and not running off into the parking lot)  I was asked to say a few words about the "Comfort Capes."  Like I've said before, I'm not very good on camera.  One way to find out what your "nervous tendencies" are is to watch yourself on camera after you've had little time to prepare what you're going to say, and sweat running down your forehead from running around outside.  (So, please ignore the annoying frequent blinking of my eyes and sweaty bangs.)  (Video link in a second... one more aspect of this story to explain!)

Our involvement in Comfort Capes happened shortly before Rylee's tonsillectomy.  So, when they found out that she was going to be having surgery and staying at the hospital, they asked if they could tape a bit of Rylee before her surgery, wearing her "Comfort Cape."  You can see some of the pictures and video footage here.  (Click on the "Wonder Capes and Comfort Capes Story" video.)

Lastly, here is photo of Rylee I took during her hospital stay.  

It's been very exciting to be a small part of this project, and even more so, touching to read the stories from the families whose children have gained comfort during their hospital stays from their capes.

So, why did writing about this finally get to the "top spot" on my "Things To Blog About" list? Well, I'm so glad you asked.

This Monday morning, November 23, CBS's The Early Show, will be doing a story about the "Comfort Capes."  Amy, the creator, emailed me to say that some of the footage and/or photos Rylee & Carter were involved in may wind up in the news segment!  I am excited to see the story!  If you happen to miss it, I will see if I can post it after it has aired. 


If it weren't getting late, I'd tell you about Carter's newest big-boy development, or Rylee's 1st Kindergarten report card, or.... Oh geesh!  Where's my nerdy  "Things To Blog About" list?