As 2012 wraps up, I realize that I didn't post anything about the kids' birthdays this year! And while I know that the interest level others have for your kids' birthdays dwindles as time passes, I still wanted to capture some pictures here! (I finally went back and printed my blog from each year since I began -- go ahead and call it one of my "Nesting Projects of 2012" -- so now I really don't want to miss capturing a birthday on my blog!)
Okay, and upon discovery that I didn't post birthdays from 2012, I realized that last year, I gave you a little teaser for Rylee's 8th Birthday Party (in November 2011), but never posted pictures from the party! So, we're going to flashback to Rylee's 8th Birthday Fresh Beat Band/music theme Party! (and I am going to resist the urge to re-print my 2011 blog book because it doesn't include this birthday and try to embrace the perfectly-imperfect life I lead!)
picture we have of Rylee includes this
I can't think back to a birthday that hasn't included a baby doll, either!
Rylee's friend (and brother! :) party included some hotel pool swimming and tasty little cupcake drums!

* * * * *
And now for 2012! We combined Barbie and Butterflies to make this year's theme! (Thanks to the inspiration of a very talented, cake-makin' friend of mine, Sara Crane... find her on Facebook to see her awesome cakes!)
Rylee wanted a picture with baby sister!
Love seeing the little things she picks up from her friends at school! A hand heart!
Apparently I didn't capture "the look" as everyone was singing to her, but I can promise you it was there!
Posing with some of her fav gifts!
For her friend party, Rylee had some friends over in the new addition
above our garage (LOVE having so much space!) for pizza, cupcakes, and
absolutely hilarious 9-year-old movin' and groovin' to her new Just
Dance! game on the XBox Kinect! (Even Jeremy and Jordyn got in on the
movin' and groovin'... and though I won't post it here, I will say that
the video I took of them dancing together is priceless!)
Easy and not even remotely creative butterfly cupcakes for the friend party... (energy level very much starting to deteriorate at this point in pregnancy!) The girls didn't care... give them 2 cupcakes each and they'll think you're the best birthday party host ever anyway!
Here is the thank you card I made for her friends.... typical young girls making faces and having fun!
* * * * *
After looking at lots of Chuggington cakes online, Carter was completely sold on the idea of having REAL TOYS on his cake... toys that he could HAVE and PLAY WITH after the party! (He didn't realize that because of that, it was actually one of the easiest cakes I've made!)
And a few moments from the day! (I shouldn't have scheduled his haircut so close to party day... it makes him look so grown up!)
So, now we're caught up! Rylee is 9, Carter is 5, and we're sort of prepared to celebrate Jordyn's 18th Birthday and the arrival of Baby Girl in January! 2013 is going to be a big year for our family! Happy New Year, everyone!
(And once again, Blogger is reminding me that I'm not always in control... after struggling with text positioning and spacing issues for 20 minutes, I'm hitting "Publish" and not looking back!... well, maybe I'll try to fix it later before I print my 2012 blog.)
Very cute to see Rylee from her 8th to 9th birthday and I loved the party themes and cakes for both Rylee and Carter! I'll have to keep your toys on a cake idea in my head when May approaches for my soon to be 4 year old guy.
Can't wait to hear about Baby Girl's arrival!
Happy New Year!
Lovely, lovely parties! I have a (hopefully) quick question for you. I LOVED the drum cupcakes and want to do that for my son's 2nd birthday. How did you make the drumsticks? Thanks!
"Anonymous" - thanks for the cupcake compliments! They are SOOO easy! I just bought pretzel sticks and Whoppers (malted milk balls). I took the point of a sharp knife and sort of "carved out" a hole in the Whopper. I put a little dab of frosting on the pretzel stick (to serve as a sort of "glue") and stuck it in the Whopper. They are so easy and super-cute! Hope that helps! Good luck and have fun!
Thank you for the help! I really appreciate it!
Wow, the birthday party was so magical. I thought I have entered the pink villa when I saw these photos. Thanks for the inspirations for my lovely daughter’s upcoming birthday. I also will find one of the most suitable Venues in NYC for this bash. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
lovely little girls in sexy swim suits, love to get them in the shower after, I love shower secs and 8 is the perfect age to pop a young girls cherry
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