Fall 2012

Fall 2012
Instagram Fall '12
[learning to live a perfectly imperfect life]


I've found myself.

But then again, I look back on the last few months and wonder if I am any more "found" than I was before I took a little "blogging break."

Seems like each day I am learning how to navigate through this life...

... how to balance laundry with writing thank-you cards with spending time with my husband with reading books about preschool to our excited three-year-old with calling sponsors for our upcoming Buddy Walk with scraping last night's spaghetti sauce spatters off the stove with paying the bills with writing our six-year-olds' name on 24 pencils, 48 crayons, 3 bottles of glue, 2 big pink erasers, and 2 folders for 1st grade... (2 bottom-pocket folders to be exact...)

I guess what I need to get used to is that I may never have things figured out. And what's most important for me to realize that it IS the journey in figuring things out and not the having things figured out that really matters.

I realize this is not a new concept. There's a beautifully-worded saying eluding to this very concept in some famous journal... there's a song about this sung by some famous country singer...

and there are some adorable little kiddos in my life reminding me that it isn't so much this...

but this...

and this

that matter.

It isn't this...

But this...

and this

that matter.

I definitely didn't come up with this concept.

But what I am definitely doing is attempting to really believe it.


Kristine said...

So glad to see you back to blogging!

Anonymous said...

So glad to have you back. I've missed your blogs. Carin, you are remarkable!

Sandy Stocklin Hook