It's such a tough thing.
In life, that is.
(Although, it is, indeed, also difficult to stand on one foot for a long period of time.)
My life is a bit off balance these days.
When I began my blog over a year ago, I wrote a short description: "Come along and learn with me -- about parenting, photography, Down syndrome, step-parenting, home improvement, volunteering, child development, blogging, disability advocacy, and balancing life without losing yourself."
Have you ever felt like you've "lost yourself?"
I've been feeling a bit that way lately.
(Maybe the problem is that I was trying to balance life while standing on one foot... hmmm... that must have been what did me in.)
I do miss my frequent blogging. Badly. It's kind of therapeutic for me. (And "Wordless Wednesdays" just don't provide quite the same therapy for me than writing about kids who stack logs to make houses for birds or boys who give up their pacis... yes, it's an unconventional therapy, I'll admit...)
But blogging is what's taken a backseat these days.
Just know that it'll be kind of quiet here on my blog for a bit...
you know, until I find myself again.
But don't worry.
It won't be long.
I'm pretty good at finding things.